Thursday, August 2, 2007

Seeds and nuts are good sources of omega-3 too

Citing the mail by Chen Bin from Mind your body (The Straits Times), August 1, 2007

"Fish is no doubt a good source of omega-3, but it should not be portrayed as the best source.

Fish have high omega-3 content because they eat sea vegetation, especially algae. As fish stocks decrease, businesses are quick to find profitable solutions in fish farms.

Good omega-3 sources such as salmon are widely farmed now, with farmers lloking for ways to increase animal protein in the feed because these are cheaper and produce faster growth than vegetable-protein feed.

The cost? Dramatically reduced omega-3 content in the farmed fish."

"Omega-3 are found in leafy vegetables, cereal grains, nuts (not just Brazil nuts) and other sources. One nut is widely available in Singapore is the walnut.

Flaxseed is a good source of omega-3 and is suited to any diet preference. Flax (seed or oil) can be taken by sprinkling it on cereal, oats, bread, porridge or other foods."

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